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Location: Bridalveil Moraine
(37.7171°N, 119.6568°W)
Time: 16:19:33



Sky chart of the constellation

Abbreviation Leo
Genitive Leonis
Area 947 square degrees (Rank 12)
A little mythology

Brightest stars

DesignationNameApparent magnitudeRight ascensionDeclinationSpectral type
α LeoRegulus1.3610h 8m11° 58'B7V
γ1 LeoAlgieba2.0110h 20m19° 51'K0III
β LeoDenebola2.1411h 49m14° 34'A3Vvar
δ LeoZosma2.5611h 14m20° 31'A4V
ε Leo 2.979h 46m23° 46'G0II
θ LeoChertan3.3311h 14m15° 26'A2V
ζ LeoAdhafera3.4310h 17m23° 25'F0III
η Leo 3.4810h 7m16° 46'A0Ib
ο LeoSubra3.529h 41m9° 54'A5V+...
ρ Leo 3.8410h 33m9° 18'B1Ib SB
μ LeoRasalas3.889h 53m26° 0'K0III
ι Leo 4.0011h 24m10° 32'F2IV SB
σ Leo 4.0511h 21m6° 2'B9.5Vs
54 Leo 4.3010h 56m24° 45'A1
υ Leo 4.3011h 37m0° 49'G9III
λ Leo 4.329h 32m22° 58'K5IIIvar
31 Leo 4.3910h 8m10° 0'K4III
60 Leo 4.4211h 2m20° 11'A1m
φ Leo 4.4511h 17m-3° 39'A7IVn
κ Leo 4.479h 25m26° 11'K2III
93 Leo 4.5011h 48m20° 13'A comp SB