During the late 1590's, two Dutch navigators, Pieter Keyser and Frederick de Houtman,
mapped several new constellations as they travelled South, the majority being named
after recently identified birds and animals. A few years later Johann Bayer,
the German astronomer, included these new star patterns in his Uranometria, published in 1603.
Apus | The Bird of Paradise |
Chamaeleon | The Chameleon |
Dorado | The Goldfish - originally this constellation was occasionally called The Swordfish |
Grus | The Crane |
Hydrus | The Water Snake or Lesser Snake |
Indus | The Indian - probably named in honour of American Indians encountered on early voyages of discovery |
Musca | The Fly - originally this grouping was named Apis, The Bee, but was changed to avoid any confusion with APUS |
Pavo | The Peacock |
Phoenix | The Phoenix |
Triangulum Australe | The Southern Triangle - this constellation was referred to as early as 1503 by Amerigo Vespucci |
Tucana | The Toucan |
Volans | The Flying Fish |