View from above orbital plane
View from above satellite
Ground track
The orbit data is extracted from the following two-line orbital elements,
1 1392U 65020AH 24286.12958942 .00037624 00000-0 32510-2 0 9995
2 1392 55.8701 240.0632 0244872 196.3072 162.9960 14.76636270 3889
Epoch (UTC): | 12 October 2024 03:06:36 |
Eccentricity: | 0.0244872 |
inclination: | 55.8701° |
perigee height: | 468 km |
apogee height: | 812 km |
right ascension of ascending node: | 240.0632° |
argument of perigee: | 196.3072° |
revolutions per day: | 14.76636270 |
mean anomaly at epoch: | 162.9960° |
orbit number at epoch: | 388 |
The dashed part of the orbit path shows where the satellite is in the earth's shadow,