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Location: Unspecified
(0.0000°N, 0.0000°E)
Time: 23:04:23

AALTO-2 - Orbit

View from above orbital plane
View from above orbital plane
View from above satellite
View from above satellite

Ground track
Ground track

The orbit data is extracted from the following two-line orbital elements,

1 42729U 98067MJ  19037.76010169  .18316134  12568-4  56330-3 0  9997
2 42729  51.6029 213.2858 0007111 290.6627  69.5057 16.44582755 97544
Epoch (UTC): 06 February 2019 18:14:32
Eccentricity: 0.0007111
inclination: 51.6029°
perigee height: 149 km
apogee height: 158 km
right ascension of ascending node: 213.2858°
argument of perigee: 290.6627°
revolutions per day: 16.44582755
mean anomaly at epoch: 69.5057°
orbit number at epoch: 9754

The dashed part of the orbit path shows where the satellite is in the earth's shadow,