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Location: Unspecified
(0.0000°N, 0.0000°E)
Time: 11:24:33

CP-7 DAVE - Orbit

View from above orbital plane
View from above orbital plane
View from above satellite
View from above satellite

Ground track
Ground track

The orbit data is extracted from the following two-line orbital elements,

1 43615U 18070C   23040.90006581  .03225936  16756-6  13613-2 0  9990
2 43615  92.9864 200.7271 0007018 283.5819  76.4699 16.22968473248238
Epoch (UTC): 09 February 2023 21:36:05
Eccentricity: 0.0007018
inclination: 92.9864°
perigee height: 207 km
apogee height: 216 km
right ascension of ascending node: 200.7271°
argument of perigee: 283.5819°
revolutions per day: 16.22968473
mean anomaly at epoch: 76.4699°
orbit number at epoch: 24823

The dashed part of the orbit path shows where the satellite is in the earth's shadow,