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Location: Unspecified
(0.0000°N, 0.0000°E)
Time: 20:25:41

ISS - Pass Details

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Date: 12 July 2020
Orbit: 414 x 424 km, 51.6° (Epoch: 13 September)

EventTimeAltitudeAzimuthDistance (km)BrightnessSun altitude
Rises08:26:23214° (SSW)3,6650.632.3°
Reaches altitude 10°08:29:0110°213° (SSW)2,7340.032.9°
Maximum altitude08:35:4083°125° (SE)981-1.334.4°
Drops below altitude 10°08:42:0010°37° (NE)2,6081.335.8°
Sets08:44:2837° (NE)3,4881.736.3°