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(500 - 1600)
06 August 2024
1013 x 1173 km, 90.4° (Epoch: 07 September)
Event | Time | Altitude | Azimuth | Distance (km) | Brightness | Sun altitude | Rises | 05:38:10 | 0° | 140° (SE) | 3,970 | 10.5 | -6.6° | Reaches altitude 10° | 05:42:04 | 10° | 118° (ESE) | 3,035 | 10.3 | -5.7° | Maximum altitude | 05:45:54 | 15° | 85° (E) | 2,665 | 10.8 | -4.8° | Drops below altitude 10° | 05:49:44 | 10° | 51° (NE) | 3,068 | 11.0 | -3.9° | Sets | 05:53:40 | 0° | 30° (NNE) | 4,038 | 11.0 | -2.9° |