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Location: Del Amo
(33.8464°N, 118.2104°W)
Time: 06:53:57

Vanguard 3 - Pass Details

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Date: 18 September 2024
Orbit: 507 x 3223 km, 33.3° (Epoch: 09 October)

EventTimeAltitudeAzimuthDistance (km)BrightnessSun altitude
Rises10:13:01190° (S)5,379--40.7°
Reaches altitude 10°10:17:2610°175° (S)4,811--39.9°
Exits shadow10:20:0815°164° (SSE)4,60010.7-39.5°
Maximum altitude10:27:3522°131° (SE)4,61811.0-38.2°
Drops below altitude 10°10:40:0610°89° (E)6,09912.2-36.1°
Sets10:46:4077° (ENE)7,18112.9-34.9°