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(500 - 1600)
18 September 2024
504 x 828 km, 38.7° (Epoch: 05 October)
Event | Time | Altitude | Azimuth | Distance (km) | Brightness | Sun altitude | Rises | 08:55:59 | 0° | 280° (W) | 3,336 | - | -50.3° | Reaches altitude 10° | 08:59:16 | 10° | 263° (W) | 2,347 | - | -50.0° | Maximum altitude | 09:03:00 | 19° | 221° (SW) | 1,754 | - | -49.6° | Drops below altitude 10° | 09:06:32 | 10° | 177° (S) | 2,185 | - | -49.2° | Sets | 09:13:24 | -11° | 147° (SSE) | 4,360 | - | -48.4° |